Wheat Germ and Wheat Bran as Nutrition for Pregnant Women

source: wikipedia.org
During pregnancy the daily nutritional requirements (Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances/ RDA) women increased by more than two-fold, such as for example an increased need for folic acid to 400µg/​​day, where in normal circumstances only 180 µg/​​day, and other essential nutrients such as vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, but it is often difficult to achieve fulfillment. Unsaturated fatty acids are needed for the development of the intelligence of the fetus, infants and young children.
As a result of low intake of vitamin E for pregnant women make at birth often suffer from a deficiency of vitamin E, which can affect the blindness (retinopathy of Prematury), chronic lung problems (bronchopulmonary dysplasia / BPD), hemoragic intra-ventricular, and problems with the nervous system .
One alternative to solving the problems faced by pregnant women to be able to meet the RDA of folic acid, vitamin E, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids are a byproduct utilization of the wheat milling wheat germ and wheat bran. 
Wheat germ contains vitamin E (2642miugram / ​​g), folic acid (5.2 miugram / ​​g) and unsaturated fatty acids (8:18 miugram / ​​g), while wheat bran contains high levels of fiber (55.34%). Production of wheat flour to produce wheat germ and wheat bran respectively 12-14% and 14-16%, or a cumulative production of wheat flour produces byproducts by 28%. Enormous resources far only used for animal feed should be able to make a significant contribution to the increase in nutrients pregnant women. 


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