Healthy Growth

Term growth and development actually includes two events that are distinct, but inter-related and difficult to separate, ie growth and development. Growth problems associated with major changes in the number, or size, which can be measured by weight (gram, kilogram) and length (cm, meters), while the development is the increasing ability of the structure and function of the body is more complex than the rest of the body so that each can fulfill its function. It also includes the development of emotional, intellectual and behavior as a result of interacting with the environment.
(Istilah tumbuh kembang sebenarnya mencakup dua peristiwa yang sifatnya berbeda, tetapi saling berkaitan dan sulit dipisahkan, yaitu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Pertumbuhan berkaitan dengan masalah perubahan dalam besar, jumlah, atau ukuran, yang bisa diukur dengan ukuran berat (gram, kilogram) dan ukuran panjang (cm, meter), sedangkan perkembangan adalah bertambahnya kemampuan dalam struktur dan fungsi tubuh yang lebih kompleks dari seluruh bagian tubuh sehingga masing-masing dapat memenuhi fungsinya. Termasuk juga perkembangan emosi, intelektual dan tingkah laku sebagai hasil berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya.)
Generally, there are two main factors that influence child development, namely:
1. genetic factors
Genetic factors that determine the nature of the child's innate. The ability of children is typical traits are inherited from parents.
2. environmental factors
The definition of the environment is an environment in which the child resides. In this case, the environment serves as a provider of basic needs for growth and development of the child in the womb to adulthood. A good environment will support the development of the child, otherwise unfavorable environment will inhibit growth.
(Secara umum terdapat dua faktor utama yang mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang anak, yaitu:
1. Faktor genetik
Faktor genetik ini yang menentukan sifat bawaan anak tersebut. Kemampuan anak merupakan ciri-ciri yang khas yang diturunkan dari orang tuanya.
2. Faktor lingkungan
Yang dimaksud lingkungan yaitu suasana di mana anak itu berada. Dalam hal ini lingkungan berfungsi sebagai penyedia kebutuhan dasar anak untuk tumbuh kembang sejak dalam kandungan sampai dewasa. Lingkungan yang baik akan menunjang tumbuh kembang anak, sebaliknya lingkungan yang kurang baik akan menghambat tumbuh kembangnya.)
Child's basic needs for growth and development, it is generally divided into three basic needs, namely:
1. The physical needs of the biomedical ("ASUH")
- Food / nutrition
- Primary health care: immunizations, breastfeeding, regular weighing, treatment
- Decent housing
- Personal hygiene, environmental sanitation
- clothing
- Recreation, physical fitness
- etc.
2. Needs emotion / affection ("ASIH")
Affection of parents will create a close bond and trust basis to ensure the harmonious development of the physical, mental, or psychosocial.
3. The need for mental stimulation ("teaser")
Mental stimulation to develop the intellectual development, independence, creativity, religion, personality, moral-ethical, productivity and so on.
(Kebutuhan dasar anak untuk tumbuh kembang, secara umum dibagi menjadi 3 kebutuhan dasar yaitu:
1. Kebutuhan fisik-biomedis (”ASUH”)
- pangan/gizi
- perawatan kesehatan dasar: imunisasi, pemberian ASI, penimbangan yang teratur, pengobatan
- pemukiman yang layak
- kebersihan perseorangan, sanitasi lingkungan
- pakaian
- rekreasi, kesegaran jasmani
- dll
2. Kebutuhan emosi/kasih sayang (”ASIH”)
Kasih sayang dari orang tua akan menciptakan ikatan yang erat dan kepercayaan dasar untuk menjamin tumbuh kembang yang selaras baik fisik, mental, atau psikososial.
3. Kebutuhan akan stimulasi mental (”ASAH”)
Stimulasi mental mengembangkan perkembangan kecerdasan, kemandirian, kreativitas, agama, kepribadian, moral-etika, produktivitas dan sebagainya.)

Frozen Breast Milk Can Last For Six Months

Although the mother had to work after a period of maternity leave runs out, human milk can be given by way of providing breast milk stored in the form of milking. Milked breast milk can start saving since one month before the mother returns to work.
How to store breast milk milking can be done using clean plastic bag and freeze them in a freezer. Frozen breast milk can last for six months. During the working mothers, breast milk is still milking at least four times a day in order to keep milk production smoothly. Storage of human milk in the same way that the freeze.
Currently working mothers, breast milk that has been frozen can be given to children under five with the first thaw and warm them by soaking them in a container of warm water. Give milk to babies with a spoon so as not to interfere with the process of breastfeeding. However, when at home, mothers still breastfeed as usual.
At the age of four months should start feeding the baby's first foods such as creamed porridge milk. Human milk is given in accordance with the needs of the baby plus a one-time milk porridge and fruit once. Infants 5-6 months of age can be given milk porridge 2 times a day, and may be supplemented with fruits and eggs.
Breastmilk substitutes are given if it is milk production is not there at all. Given the amount of breast milk substitutes should be calculated according to the nutritional requirements.
Given the amount of breast milk substitutes according to age, among others:
Age 2-3 months 120-140 ml every time to drink.
Age 3-4 months 140-160 ml every time to drink.
Age 4-5 months 160-200 ml every time to drink.
Age 5-6 months 200-220 ml every time to drink.
Age> 6 months of 200-250 ml each time to drink.